To succeed and become productive members of adult society, young people need to feel both capable and purposeful. It is our responsibility as educators to provide at-risk, disengaged students with opportunities to reclaim their worth. This way they begin to recognise their capability more fully. 


Our programme works in schools and sees students come off timetable to complete woodwork and craft projects which encourage them to reclaim their worth.

The students work on short-term projects such as photo frames, trays and coffee tables. Short-term projects allow students to experience regular short-term success. This creates a mindset of capability. 

Through behaviour tracking and reflective discussion, students begin to interact with some of the key issues causing them to disengage, and, over time, begin to respond in a positive manner to the uncomfortable spaces of the classroom. 

Abdi has worked fantastically for me and appears to have grown in confidence in terms of his classroom contribution
— D. Glyn, Head of Year

 What we ACHIEve 


  • Character development

  • Higher self worth

  • Increased worth and capability

  • The ability to re-engage in the classroom

  • More enjoyment in education


  • Reduced exclusions and FTEs

  • Reduced instances of defiance

  • Middle-focused as a result of less distractions

  • Alleviated stress for teachers