Building rapport - how to own mistakes and learn wisdom

Building good rapport with students and using this to diffuse difficult situations is our starting point. This leads students to become increasingly honest and reflective, as well as own their mistakes and poor choices. As a result they make wise and healthy decisions, at school and in society. 


collaboration creates positive association between students and schools 

Effective collaboration with schools is integral to the success of The Reclaimed Project. Understanding respective needs, frameworks and aims collaboratively, leads to a previously unseen positive association between students and their schools. In turn, this kindles a better educational experience, better results, fewer exclusions and a positive reputation for the school in the community.

inspiration - a tool to unearth young people's best selves

We bring big, structured ideas to The Reclaimed Project that allow young people to experience unusual levels of success and capability. Because of this, their violence, defensiveness, poor attendance and the tragic ignorance of their worlds all start to shift. Instead, we start to see young people inspired and ready to offer the the world their best self. 


empowerment to access education and society

The Reclaimed Project meets the personal, often hidden needs of disenfranchised young people. in doing so, we see them empowered to access education and the world around them in an increasingly positive light. 

London's socially conscious can help young people of this city reclaim their worth to become productive members of adult society. We would love to partner with you and empower them to succeed.